Phinix Cube by Mike Krysztofiak

December 2, 2009 | 09:41

Tags: #acrylic #black #build #case #chassis #crysis #feser #gtx-280 #micro #radiator #red #scratch #water #xspc

Companies: #bit-tech #box #cube #dfi #mod

Structure and building

At the beginning the main design was based on two levels: lower (with motherboard and PSU) and upper (with water cooling parts, including the pump, radiator and two reservoirs). That model changed later on because I didn’t like the idea of keeping the watercooling system above the hardware, in case of leakage, so I decided to put the hardware above the watercooling.. Also, with the hardware up top it means I could see the meat of the system!

Phinix Cube by Mike Krysztifuak Structure and building Phinix Cube by Mike Krysztifuak Structure and building
Phinix Cube by Mike Krysztifuak Structure and building Phinix Cube by Mike Krysztifuak Structure and building
Phinix Cube by Mike Krysztifuak Structure and building Phinix Cube by Mike Krysztifuak Structure and building
Click to enlarge

For the main structure of the Cube I used clear acrylic 20mm square rods and 5mm clear acrylic panels. To screw those acrylic rod columns together I used brass threaded inserts and bolts. The technique that I used with the brass threaded inserts was to first drill guide holes in acrylic rods and then simply push the brass inserts in by heating them up with a soldering iron. It was a very successful procedure: they went in like a hot knife through a butter.

Phinix Cube by Mike Krysztifuak Structure and building Phinix Cube by Mike Krysztifuak Structure and building
Phinix Cube by Mike Krysztifuak Structure and building Phinix Cube by Mike Krysztifuak Structure and building
Phinix Cube by Mike Krysztifuak Structure and building Phinix Cube by Mike Krysztifuak Structure and building
Phinix Cube by Mike Krysztifuak Structure and building Phinix Cube by Mike Krysztifuak Structure and building
Click to enlarge

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